9, Nine, IX...
An Excerpt From REZ's EDGE. Book To Be Released In 9 Days! -------------------------- “It's nine-thirty.” “What the heck am I gonna...
The Countdown (Inside The Story) ...
-- This is an excerpt, from my book REZ's EDGE that will be out in under 2 weeks. A countdown for my countdown. I hope you enjoy the...
“Cheryl!” I leap out the door and run up to her. She limps towards me. “Dakota.” I rap my arms around her and she winces. The crew gangs...
Pulling The TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!
Pulling The TRIGGER WARNING!!!!! Olivia's hair is a tornado-pummeled haystack. An unzipped down-coat has been torn open and feathers shed...
Cherry Jolly Rancher Lips Adorned With Grape Jelly...
Flirtations with sexuality within a middle school setting. Attraction between preteen boys and girls.
The Beating (The mental breakdown of Dakota Charleston)
- - Excerpt from ‘REZ’s EDGE’ by Brad Jensen I walk past the sinks and the stalls, and pull up to the urinals that go from chest high to...
One Time In Band Camp...
- - Excerpt from ‘REZ’s EDGE’ by Brad Jensen After the second page of sheet music the trumpets are given a break. As I clear my spit...
My book, REZ'S EDGE, is very realistic and off the wall, when inside the noggin of my main character, Dakota Charleston... REZ'S EDGE...
Olivia moves her pale skinned face in close to mine and my eyelids glide shut like the pneumatic movement of a tape-deck door on an...
'The Rays Of Light' - An Excerpt From The REZ's EDGE by Brad Jensen
The rays of thousands of stars discover a path into a set of blue and brown eyes. If the light from these stars can find there way into...
A Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat To The Head
Grogginess. Strangeness. Confusion. I float there on clouds. My eyelids are heavy. They stick together at the lashes. They slowly tear...