A Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat To The Head

Grogginess. Strangeness. Confusion. I float there on clouds. My eyelids are heavy. They stick together at the lashes. They slowly tear apart. Blurriness. Strange flickering light.
Where? Where am I? What room am I in? Whose room am I in? Why is my arm attached to my belly? I try and move it.
A nail is hammered into my collarbone.
I freeze.
My eyes are open wide now. I lie still, afraid to attempt movement. The orbs in my skull move.
Mom? Her eyes are closed. She's sitting next to me.
My throat is parched as desert sand. “Mom,” I whisper. My voice is charred brittle paper. “Mom,” I rasp.
Her eyes flutter and then slowly open. She leans forward, in towards me. An attempt is made at a smile and tears leak from the corners of her eyes.
“My baby. My son.”
She carefully puts a hand on mine and the other on my head. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Where am I?”
“You're in the hospital, son.”
“The hospital? …....The hospital. What's wrong with my arm?”
“Your collarbone was broken in the accident.”
Accident? What acci..... I'm hit with a Louisville Slugger baseball bat to the head full of realization.
“Where's Dad!?”
Mom explodes into tears. She's a complete distraught mess.
“Oh God! No! No! Dad's fine. He's got to be fine! He has to be here! He said he'd always be here!”
To read more from REZ's EDGE visit my Chapters page:
#Louisville #slugger #baseball #bat #head #hospital #broken #bone #mother #mom #death #father #fiction #history #historica #drama #action #adventure #thriller #excitement #entertainment #novel #book #writing #writer #author #REZ #REZsEDGE #Reservation #accident #anguish #torment #pain #love #hate #racisim #race #prejudice #bully #bullying #emergency #bandage